When I first started taking Waldo into public, I was worried about how he would react to new situations and sounds, but now, it's the people around me that bother me more. I have found that most people are curious and supportive of him and even though he always draws attention to us, that doesn't really bother me. (I had a bright red pixie cut for a while. People stared at me more then.) For me, I try to take Waldo out on most of my errands, but there are many problems that can happen even when you legally can bring a dog with you... Or some interesting situations.
1. People can't keep their hands off of him!
I might be walking or standing still in a store and people will B-line to him. Or even worse, they will call to him. If you ask, he can say hello, but stop grabbing him. I assume the harness makes people feel at ease, but it's inappropriate and is sometimes painful for the person with the leash!
2. Everyone talks about you
It doesn't matter where you are, every person is talking about you. I try to imagine that they are discussing the importance of service animals or something similar, but it's usually about how cute he is or how big his feet are... I get it. He's going to be huge.
3. You will hear about every lab they've ever known.
Labs are great. Can I buy my milk?
4. People Will Look at You as an Imposter
I've felt offended in two different situations. The first was in Panera when this manager had to deal with a customer who complained. She asked and I explained and she was fine with it. The couple, who were sitting near me, complained and made her take out her manual. The second time was at a Perkins. The very moment I walked into the door, the manager demanded paperwork. He then continued to glare at me. It was unprofessional and awkward. I had my friend pay and I took waldo outside after we ate.
5. Children Love Puppies and You'll Hear All About It
And they will beg to play with him. And scream.
6. Stereotypical Tough Men Also Love Puppies and They Will Want to Pet Your Puppy
And they melt over them. It's endearing.
7. People Will Remember You
This is similar to when I had red hair. People just remember you wherever you go. And they also comment on how big he has gotten. He's going to be a big dog. I get it.
8. If A Person Knows Anyone With a Service/Guide Dog, They Will Tell You About It.
And they all know someone. Time I will never get back. "Sir, I have somewhere to go and I don't know you or your half-sister's father-in-law's best friend's step-son nor do I want to know his life story."
9. Do you get paid for this? Everyone seems to need know this and are shocked by the answer.
I get paid in slobbery puppy kisses.
10. How Are You Going to Be Able to Give Him Up? I Wouldn't Be Able To...
Good thing you aren't going to...
And finally,