Dog parks are great resources for any community. I love being able to watch Thornwald happily frolic around and get his needed lab exercise.
A lot of dog parks only have places for the dogs to run, but Lancaster was lucky enough to receive a half-million dollar dog park when a local resident won a contest from Beneful.
Every dog has their own personality and it is fun to watch the dogs interact and learn how to play with different dogs.
I'm not a big fan of small puppies in the large section of dog parks, even if they are large breeds. Unless the dog has been heavily socialized, your cute puppy is going to be frightened and many dogs won't understand how to play with such a youngster.
Luckily, our local dog park has enough fun stuff to do that it is hard for them to get bored.
Thanks for compiling the tips here! It's a pain to train your dog, but it's so worth it in the end. It's so embarrassing when my Dog training Memphis does something that scares or offends a guest, especially when I know it's something I should be training her not to do..